Micro USB 5pin to SIII 11pin convert
Source: welleen   Publish Time: 2012-09-21 02:21   3213 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
Welleen Released Micro USB 5pin to SIII 11pin converter, Samsung SIII

Par No.: WA-0029



* Micro USB 5Pin female
* Samsung Micro USB 11pin male
* Alum shell and black color

If you own an HDTV Smart Adapter and a handset with an 11-pin Micro USB port (Samsung Galaxy S III), you can use the HDTV Adapter Tip to allow your handset to function with an HDTV Smart Adapter. The HDTV Adapter Tip can also connect the Samsung Galaxy S III to your high definition TV or PC monitor using the HDTV Smart Adapter.